Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Yes, yes, life in Milwaukee has officially started to be on the upswing of things. I still don't quite have my schedule down, namely because it is so different on each day, but that will come. I have started to make some new and interesting friends, including, but not limited to: The "CW" group (creative writing), random fat squirrels that attempt to attack me on a daily basis as I walk to the library, and friends from Intervarsity. All in all, I am having a grand 'ol time.

Now it is time for the event I like to call, "new and interesting facts about Milwaukee and thereabouts"...

1. People call waterfountains "bubblers".
2. They have no Michigan turns!
3. I am a minority.
4. My name is a minority. I have yet to meet another Sarah! Amazing, eh?
5. I feel like I am being watched... hmm...

Okay, time for more reading! Did I tell you how much I love reading 12.7 chapters everyday? The .7 is required... the other .3 is not required but generally there is at least a 356 page paper (MLA and APA formats combined with footnotes, endnotes, and eighth notes on those .3 pages that are considered "optional". In other words, "Grad school is serioulsy kicking my butt!" But, I have said that more than once to multiple people who still read this blog...

Have a great day and don't forget to make your bed!