USDA Gold Stars

As promised--pictures! They are mostly self-explanatory 1) Picture of my friend Evan; such a cutie! 2) Johanna and me after I surprised her at her prom, 3) Random stairs at an old mansion located in Milwaukee, 4) Grace and Desmond at our family reunion. I love Gracie's expression in this one and she will probably threaten my life after posting that, but I couldn't pass it up!
As an update, life is good. A very nice person told me that I deserved a gold star for everything that I was doing because of all of the crap that has happened as of late (long pre-conversation to that comment), and while I really just want to revel in the moment, I need to chose to set my mind on things above. Pray that I remember that my identity is in Christ and not in performance.
Until later, Sarah
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