Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I took a walk today

So, it was such a nice day that I took a walk. I was supposed to run 3 miles, but was more productive--much more--as I realized a few truths about life that I had been avoiding, or that I hadn't been ready to hear.

Basically, I realized how much I need to be careful and protective of myself and those around me. God has given me an amazing gift of empathy/the ability to understand things about where people are coming from, and I can choose to use that in a good way or a bad way. Today, I chose to be especially careful and will only be using my gift in a way that glorifies and honors Him. Not that I had been using it in a wrong way... only, I hadn't been aware that 1) Yeah, people are affected by what I say and do, and 2) Sometimes I need to back off and give people their space, for whatever reason.

But most importantly, I realized that it is okay that I am backing off. I don't need to explain myself and it isn't going to hurt anyone. If anything, it will help in giving grace to my family in Christ.

And I can choose to do all of this while living in freedom because God is going to give me what I need and others what they need.

I am still a bit raw from my emotions over the past week, but definitely in a place of understanding and awe--that I was given the grace to understand. Now I just pray that others will understand that 1) It's okay and 2) It will probably always be a struggle, but it slowly goes away as other blessings come into our lives.

Peace, Sarah Joy