Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Cap'n Jack Sparrow (Oops! Ramsey)/A Party at ABC?

Let me start with tonight's episode before I flip about a certain crackheaded rumor that may or may not be true.

1. Captain Jack Ramsey? One of the producers has been watching Pirate's of the Caribbean one too many times. Not that I am complaining... I enjoy the movie. But c'mon! Let's get a little more creative with the names here, okay?

2. "If the Red Sox can win the series, then anything can happen!" Obviously, someone hates Boston. Now, while I am not partial to the greater New England area, I do live here currently. Therefore, I feel the need to defend the infamous Red Sox by saying that they played better than season ten of JAG!

3. Did someone from costume forget to go to the dry cleaners? If I ever see Harm in a turban again, I am going to wear ashes and sit in my fire place. Oh wait... I don't have a fire place. Hmm...

And now...

David, we need to have a serious heart-to-heart. Let me explain something to you. You cannot leave until I have written at least ONE episode for JAG. After that, you and Steven can go have a party with all of your new ABC friends. While I will not necessarily approve of your choice, I will eventually manage to stop mourning and move on with life. Until then, I leave you with one question... WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU THINKING?