Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rules and Regulations... and Random Ramblings based on (of course) NCIS

I don't know how well orange goes with pink...

But, since the hair stylists on NCIS have no idea how to style hair, I have earned the privilege of putting orange with pink. Speaking of--Goodness! What was up with Madam Director's hair? Before any of the actors/actresses began their dialogue about her hair, my friends and I started discussing it. Conclusion--someone was attacked by furry woodland creatures on the way to the set!

Ziva rocks my boat. As does Abby. And Gibbs.

Tony is crackhead.

Question of the night: Is McGee cute? My answer: cute in a little boy/brother way, yes. Cute in a dating way? Ummm... not so much.

And now... the long awaited for list of Gibbs' rules. And the even more awaited for responses (compliments of yours truly). Gibbs will be in BLUE... and I will be in ORANGE.

1. Never let suspects stay together.
You never know when they might decide to order out for pizza.

2. Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
In case it snows and you need to make a snowman. And name it Parson Brown.

3. Don't believe what you're told. Double check.
Really, this is just common sense. Even Santa double checks.

4.Never say you're sorry.
Unless you're playing Spoons...

5. You never work the system when you can work the people.
Amen and amen!

6. The secret of a good bluff is not to bluff.
"Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, 'cause you can never predict if they're going to do something incredibly stupid."--Cap'n Jack Sparrow.

7. You cannot let personal situations color your judgement.
Although in certain situations, it may not be a bad idea to shade them with a tint of grey. By the way... is it grey or gray?

8. Romance between agents never works.
Wouldn't know...

9. Never go anywhere without a knife.
Especially when you live on a farm and your dad asks you to pull out the Swiss Army knife that he gave you to cut the binder twine on the hay bale that you are working with and to hurry. Or if you need to do your nails.

23. Never mess wtih a marine's coffee if you want to live.
Heck, never mess with MY coffee if you want to live.