Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Devil has Enough Advocates

The title of this post is my offical quote of the day. Can anyone guess which TV show it comes from? Hmmm... probably the ONLY show that I watch: JAG.

I thought that this quote represented the philosophical values and constitutions that our country values and upholds... yada yada yada... In reality, I just thought it was a good quote.

Thoughts about last nights episode:

1). The Army chic needed to be put in her place. Thank you Harm for your noble assistance in this endeavor.

2). I liked the quote towards the end, "Do you think American's appreciate what we are doing here?" (something to that extent). The quote seemed like the characters were asking the audience if we appreciated what they are doing. Answer: Yes! By all means, continue doing what you are doing!!!

3). No Mattie. I am depressed.

4). So David is going to write for JAG and direct! Yipee!! Although, I must say that I most enjoy when Zito writes. He is my favorite. I think that he should adopt me.

5). I LOVED THE SCENES FOR NEXT WEEK--Thus proviing that Harm is still a sucker for lost causes! However, I must make one comment: Is Jenn going for the Tomb Raider look with her hair? Or perhaps the hair dresser needs to go back to hair dressing school? Honestly, I can write better than they can do her hair!

Okay, that is really all I have to say.

P.S. My ceiling is fixed--Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!