Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


It's official. I have completely lost my mind.

Thank God for really considerate people who don't mind my social blunders.

I hate it when you say something and then you are totally, totally wrong. Again, thank God for grace!

Seriously, people that are willing to look beyond the fact that you do stupid things and know that you really just care are the most amazing people in the world--it's what gets me through library and English school most days.

I appreciate people like that.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

One of those "Where the *heck* did that come from?" moments

You know when you're in library school... and you think you're really cool and smart. And then, you realize you really aren't? And you tell some one this? And they tell you not to say bad stuff about yourself, and you've heard it all before because you've been through the truths of Exchanged Life and you're just frustrated with hearing "say good stuff about yourself" when all you really want to hear is--

"What can I pray with you about?"

And you're so focused on yourself because you're frustrated that you're not at the Christian school that you went to undergrad at, and you know that life isn't a Christian bubble, but you miss it anyway and you're in the middle of talking to someone wondering, "Am I really where I am supposed to be?" or "How did I get here in the first place?" When all of a sudden someone floors you with a comment--

"And if you're a child of God..."

And you don't really hear the rest because you're so astonished by the first part, that you stare... dumbfounded... before praying--

"God! You are here!"

Yeah, that happened to me. :)

PTL, right all? That's my acronym for the day. I have start speaking in them apparently, being in library school and all. The less verbs and nouns you use the better.

Over and out and such,



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Okay, more fun library quotes...

And for the sake of confidentiality, I am NOT citing my sources.

"I feel like I work with people who throw out what's in the box and only want the bubble wrap!"

"Oh, ok."

More later!!!
