Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Friday, August 26, 2005

:) Pheeling Photographic :)

Can you tell I like fireworks?

My boss looking studious

(Shhh! She'd fire me if she knew this picture was posted)

Really... I am not a pyro

Isn't she adorable? She's my friend, Destiny

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Life After JAG

Well, well, well... it has been a while, hasn't it? Life after JAG has definately been interesting and quite fulfilling (although, I must admit that I am still drooling over Belisario's NCIS :) Hee hee hee). I will try to update you on the past few months of my life while keeping it entertaining.

1. Hiking. These are my newly acquired hiking friends (l to r): Sarah, Debbie, and Rachel. We hiked a ridiculous amount of mountain, only to have to leave before we made it to the top of the stupid thing. I was quite agrivated! I am quite sure that I would rather build a suspension bridge that was only suspended on one side and skip gayly over it than hike a mountain again.

2. Soul Fest Soul Fest is a Christian concert (think Christian Woodstock... actually, it was held in a place called Gunstock) that lasts for 6 days. They have many concerts and many stages all located on a mountain. Unfortunately, I didn't get to stay for the whole thing, but I was able to catch a Third Day concert and I got to meet Paul Colman. Also, PC was able to leave a message on my friend Melissa's voice mail. I was quite happy with how that worked out!

Check out the pictures of Third Day. I think that you can see his nose hairs in this one!!!

3. Of course, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday. Unfortunately, I did not get to spend it with my family this year. But, I did get to take really cool pictures with my digital camera! These are what fireworks look like in Vermont :) I had more...but I deleted them in the process of trying to organize this whole thing. Ah well...

It's been fun and I hope everyone's summer has gone by filled with fun and excitement.

Signing out another year older,
