Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Raking Leaves in Vermont

Today... I raked leaves. It was quite the adventure, really. Actually, I enjoyed it... well, except for the minor detail that the leaves up here in good 'ol VT multiply like rabbits! I seriously think that they were procreating while I was raking them (and snickering about it the whole time).

What else is new? Hmm... Oh! I should mention this, because I know that it will make a certain someone smile: ESTJ's rule!!!

This coming week is home visit for the students (aka: my first week off!). I plan on sleeping, watching JAG and Pirate's of the Caribbean, and eating M&Ms. Of course, I will hang out with the wonderful ladies at the girl's home.

Nothing really exciting has happened lately. I do have a funny story, though: One of my students was trying to come up with a good analogy to describe what happened to Jonah and he decided that it would be like him going on a Carnival Cruise when God told him to go to South Africa or something. That one is a keeper, I think.

Perhaps over home visit I will begin to sound more like my perky self... I haven't really had anything to talk about lately. Well... there is one thing, but I don't think I am ready to go there quite yet. Christa knows and she is praying about it (thanks, Christa!).

I love you all,

Have a wonderful day!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

I have decided to become a polygamist

... and just for the record: "there is no "Aha!"

P.S. You are not with JAG; you're just some stupid civilian lawyer wanna-be that happens to be collecting a paycheck for one show: THERE IS NO KISSING!!! For the love!!! The "powers that be" need to lay off the crack and put Harm and Mac together!

Grr... I am angry. I will write more tomorrow... this was just a precursuer to my feelings.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Dude, I want your t-shirt!

Okay, so... once again, I am sending a desperate (albeit professional) plea to Mr. David James Elliot (alias Harmon Rabb Jr.). I want your t-shirt! What t-shirt, you may ask? Then again, you may be asking the sordid question, "Why did you eat my brussel sprouts?"

Anyway, the t-shirt can be described as follows: cream(ish) with white letters. It says Liberty... Bail Bonds... and there is something on the bottom which I can't make out. I think there is a picture of the Liberty Bell on it, but I am not sure. It was worn during the "Back in the Saddle" ep, during one of the hangar scenes. If you could please return the t-shirt to its rightful owner, that would be much appreciated. However, I would appreciate if you washed it in All fabric detergent. I do not want a dirty t-shirt sent to me. That would be gross. I like clean clothes and I cannot lie... Now I am sounding pathetic. Wow, I am really tired. Not to mention the fact that I have to get up at "the butt-crack of dawn" (otherwise known as my mother's least favorite expression).

Alas, I am off to bed. I shall write more in the very near future.

Post Scriptorium: Future JAG quote, compliments of one of my students: "Bless those who prosecute you..."

Post Post Scriptorium: Please, use fabric softener as well!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Will You Dance With Me?

To those of you who are and/or were at Cornerstone University, need I say more?

Right now I am just too disgusted to comment on this topic anymore. I am shutting up before I stick my foot in my mouth and have to perform penance for my actions (which I have not done since the last time I listened to "Where I Come From" by Alan Jackson--no, really don't ask... ).

Life in Vermont... BEAUTIFUL!!! The colors are in full bloom right now. The reds and oranges are especially showing through. On my way to church this am, I was awe struck by the beauty. Isn't it cool how God pays attention to even the little things. It is days like this when I don't understand how people cannot believe in God. But that is a whole other topic which right now does not need to be discussed, lest I get emotional. To quote Doc, "In the essentials: unity. In the non-essentials: liberty. And in all things: love." Speaking of Doc, I need to e-mail him... hmmmm... guess what I am doing after I finish this blog.

I got a chicken named Rahab this week from my aforementioned friend, Christa. But she died. She suffered a fateful death. Her baby did not survive either. It was quite sad. She lived a noble life, however.

Ever wonder who decided that "I" came before "E"? Some day I will decide something cool like that. For right now, though, well... really for always, I will be content that I am IN CHRIST and that I have died to my old self. ... Sorry, random "Grace Life" tangent :).

Well, ya'll have a great week now. I am frightened because the phone is making odd noises!! Perhaps a fax is coming in seeing as how the red light is lit up next to the butten that says "fax"? Or maybe it is just because I am on the internet...

P.S. Any future JAG producers--do not base this blog on my writing abilities. I have been lazy!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

The Honor of Being Christa's Homepage

I am writing this article, because, due to the fornuate circumstances of having a wonderful friend named Christa. Christa is the coolest person I know, besides by good buddy Harmon Rabb Jr. (who is, in fact, due to more unfortunate circumstance's, a figment of CBS's imagination).

In fact, (and some of you may groan over this) Christa is the number one person who encourages my writing. My Aunt Sharon does also, but Christa likes my random sense of humor. She really gets me.

What many of you may not know about Christa is that she is going to be a librarian. When I say "librarian" I do not mean the stereotypical librarian that immediately pops into everyone's mind. Rather, I mean a cool, hip librarian who likes to catalog and do ILL (I am one of the few people who are allowed to know what ILL stands for. It is a secret location in the middle of South Dakota).

Miss Christa also has a fascination for Julie Andrews and Anne Sofie Von Otter. Both are wonderful musicians, although definately not as good as Christa. Christa is most definately the best singer ever. She even knows how to sing in German and at least fifteen other languages, some only known to 3.2% of the population.

According to, "The Most Wondeful People On Earth" magazine, Christa has been known to "... play the oboe with the same elegance that a constipated duck lays an egg. Further, she enjoys long walks on the beach and blue eyes."

In conclusion, I have just told you about Christa. In my honest opinion she is the coolest person I know who likes Krispy Kreme donuts and there aren't too many people who do.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am available mostly on days that end in why.