Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Christmas Break

As of this post, I have survived five days and one evening with the fam. It has been a grand adventure really including, but not limited to, two family Christmas's, two shopping trips, three pieces of pumpkin pie, one piece of apple pie, and a partridge in a pear tree. Quite fun!

There really hasn't been anything too exciting as of date to write about. However, as a writer, my job is to make non-exciting things sound exciting. I will do my best to comply to your literary pallet.

On Thursday evening, I will leave for Battle Creek, MI where I will attend the wedding of a friend. The wedding isn't until Saturday, but we are going to be enjoying her last moments as a single. I am excited about being able to reconnect with old friends due to my recent move to Vermont.

After the wedding I will drive to Grand Rapids, MI where I will hang out with my friends there. I also hope to make my first visit to Cornerstone University since they denied me my teaching certificate. Any confrontations with certain professors will be entirely God ordained. Although, I am contemplating making a visit to a certain "Anti-Christ." Hmmm... not really. Is it sad that I call my old professors names such as those? I can only hope that the worst I get is "The Demerit Queen." I do hope to see my old boss, Dr. N., though. That will be cool.

Okay, this is really crappy writing. I have been on a writing "bla" as of late. But, I have been reading a lot to compensate. Speaking of reading, my sister is illiterate. She can't read. Okay, not really. Her lowest score on a proficiency test showed her lowest score was reading. To make up for it, she is reading as much as possible. Johanna and reading would be like having Pepsi on cereal. It just doesn't happen. I am very proud that she is taking the initiative to improve (says the mature teacher side of me); but if this keeps up I am going to wet my pants (says the she's my baby sister side of me).

Ta Ta For Now!!!

P.S. Merry Christmas, Jessica!

P.P.S Merry Christmas, every one else!!!

Friday, December 10, 2004

"What do you mean I have to cite my sources?"

The previous question is the one that I think I got asked the most today. Currently, my speech students are working on speeches (duh) and they don't seem to comprehend the whole concept of PLAGARISM!!! Grr!!!

Okay, on to newer and better topics (by a vote of 3 to 1 according to my multiple personalities).

My thoughts on JAG:

1. I would just like to remind all ya'll that yes, my thoughts are valid. I am going to screenwrite for JAG some day. And don't even think about telling me that this is their last season--I will flip!

2. Dialogue was okay. Had a few zippy lines in there that I really appreciated. My favorite was most definately the line about there being quite a difference between "Going from a spook chasing spies to a PI chasing cheating housewives..." Can we say total diss on my buddy Stephen's newest program? I love it when they throw those things in :) Yay, JAG writers!!!

3. What the crack! Does everyone on this show have father issues! Get over it already--I am seriously ready to drown myself in ink... red ink to be specific, because as a teacher that is the only type of ink I use.

4. Next week's episode looks really good. Of course, the producers have to have a great Christmas episode. It is written in the "Protocoal for All TV Shows" manual. I hope Zito writes it and Coen produces or exec. produces. They always manage to have the best eps with that combination.

5. Is it REALLY sad that I know this information?

6. Do TPTB(the powers that be) of JAG really read this blog? It would be cool if they did.

7. Does anyone really read this blog? It would be cool if they did.

Okay, that is all I have for tonight. I hope ya'll have a GREAT day!!!

Guess what TV show is on tonight??? Posted by Hello

What do you think they are looking at in this picture? A) Birds flying in the distance, B) Christa's Mom, C) My writing, or D) Pepsi and M&M's. Posted by Hello