Two Novembers

Ramblings, vents, comments and other useless information which can only be told to people who have been fingerprinted.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

What I Totally Forgot

And completely should have remembered: The prodigal son (as in the parable) isn't about the son at all, it's about the Father.

Him waiting and waiting and waiting...

And then running...

I forgot. And I should have remembered.

But, this will help. Things should start coming quicker now (not that it's about that). At least, maybe, they'll be a little clearer. I'm still unsure what "things", but something hast to start clearing up... hopefully!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Easter Choral Vespers

Easter Choral Vespers Concordia Theological Seminary Kantorei Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 7 PM Luther Memorial Chapel and University Student Center3833 N Maryland Ave, Shorewood--FREE

The Kantorei is a 16-voice choir of students studyingfor the Office of the Holy Ministry at ConcordiaTheological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. They willstop in Shorewood on their 2007 Easter tour for an hour-long celebration of Easter music on Thursday,April 12 at 7 PM.

It's FREE and there will be a light reception afterward. You are invited to come and bring family and friends.

I Need a Church

I have decided that the world should have "church services" and by that, I don't mean the actual sermon, I mean it as a simile to dating services. Although, maybe it could have a different name because what I have now is kind of cheesy.

Since coming to WI, I have found one church that I absolutely love (Redeemer Evangelical Free)--not works based, solid theologically, decent worship, great people. The problem being that since I moved, it is about 40 minutes away, and since I am interested in working in ministry again, I figured I should get involved in something on the East Side.

Being me, I refuse to settle--I think I have been to every church in Shorewood... and more! I am debating beginning a career in church reviews. I know that part of the problem is that I am too picky: Flashback to Christian Foundations II aka NT when Chuck told me, "Catholics are people, too, Sarah... want to come to my church?" or when he told us that there were arguments for the apostle Paul being gay and I responded, in the middle of class, that he was completely crazy and had absolutely no basis for his argument, to which he cut me off by saying--"Ah, my good little Baptist girl." (And, no, I am not going to flashback to Christian Theology and all the tears I cried in that class--thankfully both Chuck and Jeremy were PATIENT). Obviously, I have grown a lot since then both in my own faith, but also in grace that I am able to extend to others and what they believe (I still get headaches sometimes when I am struggling, but I am learning).

Rambling aside... I have no idea where to go. I am debating trying Milwaukee Bible Church next Sunday. And I would love to go to Ebenezer Evangelical Free (notice the absence of a website which is part of the problem--I don't know what time their services start!). And then there are the multitude of Catholic churches. And Lutheran. And Presbyterian. And... and... and... And, yes, I tried the Baptist church--it's too "Baptist!" Which I can say, because I was there... and now I am not (thank God!) But, I am still... Bible? Ev Free? Haven't completely decided that yet, but we're working on it ;).

Okay--all that to say, I am taking suggestions.

Feel free to offer.

Later, Sarah JOY!!!


Saturday, March 17, 2007

1:00 am is not a good time to buy slurpies

So, my roommate realized at appx. 12:35 am that she had forgotten her medicine for her epilepsy. So, being the faithful friend that I am, I asked her what we could do to solve this situation--suggesting that she call the pharmacy and her doctor. Since we were going to have to go to a Walgreen's to pick up her medicine at said 12:35 am, I suggested that we make it fun.

Grabbing another roommate's motorcycle helmet, I entered WG with the helmet/my PJs in pursuit of her medicine (I am sure the lovely WG people were quite concerned and they probably would have offered some kind of medicine to me had it not been highly illegal). After about a ten minute wait and a conversation with the store clerk about the benefit of playing an Irish jig on the radio due to today really being St. Patrick's Day and him telling me I should bring back my violin so I could play for them, we were out the door.

On the way back, I said that we needed to stop so I could get a slurpy at Open Pantry. FYI: 1:00 am is NOT the best time to get a slurpy. While their coffee (French Roast and free trade!) is still top notch in my book (or, rather, my future book...), slurpies at 1:00 am just aren't cutting it--Frederick Taylor should have moderated their slurpy production for the benefit of all! Of course, I think he was more involved with assembly lines... hmm...

The most fun part of the evening was when we came back and realized that our door was locked. So, being the resourceful person that I am, I asked my roomie for a card that she rarely used and proceeded to break into our apartment.

Now, I am going to bed where I will dream about all of the books that I am going to read :)

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Spring Break Goals

1. Figuring out what time the best slurpies are served. I hope to buy a slurpy within various different hours, dutifully reporting back here with the results.

2. Read: Passage by Connie Willis, Magyk by Angi Sage, All Saints by Liam Callanan, Before I Wake by Dee Henderson, The Bible (specifically the end of Judges, Ruth, and I and II Samuel) by God, This is My Best edited by Retha Powers and Kathy Kiernan.

3. Getting at least two weeks ahead in all of my classes (what this really looks like: getting way ahead in the classes I like and pretending my other classes don't exist).

4. Work on crocheting my mom's blanket

5. Taking out the violin? Dusting it off? Admiring it? Maybe playing a jig?

6. Organizing pictures.

And, of course...


Last night God woke me up like 20 times with a story idea. I was more than slightly irritated because He knows that I get cranky when He expects me to write at 3:00 am... even though that is when I do my best writing. Still... He needs to learn to tap in to my muse in the afternoon hours not the am hours!!!

Over and out, Sarah


And one more thing...

What I REALLY forgot to say...

MARCH 14, 2007: 1 year 5 mo anniversary.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Slurpy Run

As I was thinking about what might make tomorrow easier, I had a flash back to undergrad days when I used to get all nervous and angsty about Christian Theology... and I went on a slurpy run! Still as effective as ever--sugar high for the night will do just the trick for that good 'ol "I am going to throw up" feeling.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March 14, 2007 is ALL about ME!!!


I think I am going to puke. At least I don't have to wory about forgetting my words like the chic on American Idol. Not that I watch stuff like that--I am a smart graduate student. I don't have time to watch TV because I read books by really smart people.


I came to the realization the other day that I could totally write the books that I read (embarrasingly referred to as Christian smut) and crank 'em out. But, I also know that I am "playing with the big dogs" now (as they say in places like... China?) and that I can either choose to fight it or step up and grow. Of course, I am going to choose the latter, but in the mean time, I might sulk for a while about the fact that people who aren't pushing themselves are getting published.

That's all I got... until tomorrow when I rant about feeling like the scum of the earth and how I am a horrible writer and am never going to do this graduate school thing again!

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Rand McNally

Okay kiddies,

Today I came to an epiphany of sorts: No longer am I going to care about my cheesy ideas, even if they get a bit moldy, because gosh darn it "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and people like me!"

That said, the other day I was playing the word assocation game where you say a word, phrase, name, etc and the other person has to think of a word, phrase, name etc quickly--the faster you do it, the funnier it becomes, especially if you can talk in complete sentences (kudos to my theology teacher at CU for teaching me this!). Anyway, as the game progressed I eventually said The Cloud Atlas, a book written by a professor from UWM (, to which my friend responded, "Rand McNally" at this point, I blundered and seriously lost focus... thinking... and then finally saying, "Did he write a book about a cloud atlas, too?"

Duh, Sarah, duh.

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